Stanley Parable Game Script

This is the story of a man named Stanley. Stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee # 427.
Employee # 427’s job was simple: he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. Orders came to
him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order. This
is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year, and although others might have considered it soul
rending, Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And
And then one day, something very peculiar happened, something that would forever change Stanley, something he would
never quite forget. He had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one, single order had
arrived on the monitor for him to follow. No one had shown up to give him instructions, call a meeting, or even say
hi. Never in all his years at the company had this happened, this complete isolation. Something was very clearly
wrong. Shocked, frozen solid, Stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time, but as he came to his wits
and regained his senses, he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office.
All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Stanley decided to go to the meeting room, perhaps he had
When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.
Yet there was not a single person here either. Feeling a wave of disbelief, Stanley decided to go up to his boss’s
Coming to a staircase, Stanley walked upstairs to his boss’s office.
Stepping into his manager’s office, Stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life.
Shocked, unraveled, Stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this, what dark secret was being held from him!
What he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk held the answers to this terrible truth that
his boss had been keeping from him, and so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number, 2845. But of course,
Yet incredibly, by simply pushing random buttons on the keypad, Stanley happened to input the correct code by sheer
luck. Amazing! He stepped into the newly opened passageway.
Descending deeper into the building, Stanley realized he felt a bit peculiar. It was a stirring of emotion in his
chest, as though he felt more free to think for himself, to question the nature of his job. Why did he feel this now,
when for years it had never occurred to him? This question would not go unanswered for long.
Stanley walked straight ahead through the large door that read Mind Control Facility.
The lights rose on an enormous room packed with television screens. What horrible secret did this place hold,
Stanley thought to himself. Did he have the strength to find out?
Now the monitors jumped to life, their true nature revealed. Each bore the number of an employee in the building,
Stanley’s co-workers. The lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen, and Stanley one of them,
eternally monitored in this place where freedom meant nothing.
This mind control facility…it was too horrible to believe, it couldn’t be true. Had Stanley really been under
someone’s control all this time? Was this the only reason he was happy with his boring job? That his emotions had
No. He refused to believe it. He couldn’t accept it, his own life in someone else’s control. Never! It was
unthinkable! Wasn’t it? Was it even possible? Had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world?
But here was the proof. The heart of the operation, controls labeled with emotions, “happy” or “sad” or “content.”
Walking, eating, working, all of it monitored and commanded from this very place. And as the cold reality of his
past began to sink in, Stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another
human life. For he would dismantle the controls once and for all.
Blackness, and a rising chill of uncertainty. Was it over?
Yes! He had won! He had defeated the machine, unshackled himself from someone else’s command, freedom was mere
moments away. And yet, even as the immense door slowly opened, Stanley reflected on how many puzzles still lay
unsolved. Where had his co-workers gone? How had he been freed from the machine’s grasp? What other mysteries did
this strange building hold? But as sunlight streamed into the chamber, he realized none of this mattered to him, for
it was not knowledge or even power that he had been seeking, but happiness. Perhaps his goal had not been to
understand, but to let go. No longer would anyone tell him where to go, what to do, or how to feel. Whatever life he
lives, it will be his. And that was all he needed to know. It was perhaps the only thing worth knowing. Stanley
Stanley felt the cool breeze upon his skin, the feeling of liberation, the immense possibility of the new path before
him. This was exactly the way, right now, that things were meant to happen. And Stanley was happy.

The keypad uses a four-digit access code that you program after the keypad is initially installed. You can change the code, disable the keypad manually by entering a invalid code and reset the keypad if the device is not working properly. After you reset your Stanley garage door keypad, the device is ready to accept a new access code. The Stanley 2986 is a keypad used to operate a garage door opener or gate. The 2986 uses 10 binary (two position) switches giving you 1024 coding options. This remote uses 310 MHz Multi-Code format. Compatible with Stanley 310 MHz 10 switch models. Includes: Keypad Hardware 9V battery Instructions Dimensions: 6 1/4' X 2 3/4' X 1' Specifications. The keypad uses a four-digit access code that you program after the keypad is initially installed. You can change the code, disable the keypad manually by entering a invalid code and reset the keypad if the device is not working properly. After you reset your Stanley garage door keypad, the device is ready to accept a new access code. STANLEY KEYPAD CODING INSTRUCTIONS. FEATURES READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE BEGINNING. The CodeKey Entry System is a wall-mounted, battery-operated keypad that allows anyone to operate the garage door opener as long as that person enters a specific 4-digit ACCESS CODE which is programmed by the owner. Stanley model number stanley visor remote stanley mini remote wireless keypad remote type mfg year(s) 40: 1050-15: 1082-10: 2986-01: 310 mhz 10 dip switch: 1993+.

The Stanley Parable is a great game, but it’s endings and achievements are quite… obscure. I made this guide to help those who are trying to figure out how to unlock and complete these hidden components of the game.


These achievements vary in complexity and difficulty, so a guide is most likely necessary at one point or another.

Also, you may have checked my profile to realize there are two achievements I have not obtained, those being Speedrun and Commitment. I was never able to complete Speedrun although I know the process, and I didn’t do Commitment because… I have a life.

Beat The Game

Stanley parable download pc

Simply unlock the Freedom Ending.

Welcome Back!


Simply exit and restart the game, which you’ll probably end up doing while hunting for the rest of the achievements. It’s pretty much impossible to miss this achievement if you’re aiming for it.


In the “Options” menu, select “Extras” to find “Achievement” set to off. Switch it and you will unlock this achievement.


In the Boss’ Office, you will find a pinpad. Type in 8888 once, and it will reject it. Type “8888” again and the achievement will unlock.


Click On Door 430 Five Times

If you click Door 430 five times, the narrator will monologe about how you don’t deserve the achievement yet, and will lead you all across the office to click and stand on random things. Finish these objectives to unlock the achievement.

You Can’t Jump

At any point, try pressing “Space” several times to unlock the achievement.

Go Outside

You can be a weird person and spend five years not playing this game, or you can just change you’re computer clock five years ahead, go in to get the achievement, and then set it back.


This achievement requires some preparation.

First, you need to go to the Office, enter the code into the pad, then restart the game. Return to the office and the narrator will talk before opening the door by himself. Now if you ever head back you can skip any dialogue and just go straight to the elevator.

Now you need to continuesly start a new game until you get a different start room. The two ones you can get are a narrow dark corridor, or a big blue room both immeditaly leading you to the door choice.

Once you get one of those rooms, race to the Freedom Ending.


Close the game and head to the Stanley Parable game files in “steamapps”. Next enter “config.cfg”. Now you want to make a new line and write ‘bind “x” “~;_u’ (without the ‘s). Now re-enter the game and click “x” to unlock the achievement.


You. no joke, have to play the game for 24 hours on a Tuesday. Either you do this legit, in which case you can’t just leave your computer on, you have to be playing, and if a random crash or glitch occurs, that’s tough luck, or you cheat it. There are several strategies to cheat this achievement on the Internet so make sure to check those out.


Below is listed every single ending. Please note that variations of endings will not be noted here. As an example, trapping yourself in the Portal simulation, or the difference the Suicide and Cold Feet endings. Most endings are unspoiled, meaning only the process to unlock them are described. However, in a few endings, this may not be the case.

The Freedom Ending

To get this ending, you need to follow the narrator at all times. In other words, you need to pick the left door, head upstairs to the office, enter the Mind Control Facility, and press the “OFF” button to destroy the facility. This will unlock the ending.

Pressure Ending

Instead of leaving the room, shut the door to trigger the ending immediately.

Sick Of This Gag / Not Sick Of This Gag Ending

In the first section of the office, you can climb up on a chair onto a desk next to a window. By crouching you can walk through the window out. After you do this, the narrator will begin speaking until he asks if you are sick of this gag yet. You will then be given an option to reply “Yes” or “No”. Clicking either of them proceeds with the respective ending.

Red Door Ending

You need to first take the right door to reach the lift. When you go across, drop off the platform onto the walk below. Eventually you will reach two doors, one red, one blue. If you enter the red door, the Narrator will take you to a new area, where lights will be blazing, and will begin talking about how you need to stop moving and relax. Here, there is a door that will lead to corridor which will eventually open into a small area with a high staircase and a ledge. Continuesly climb up the stairs and drop down to kill yourself, despite the Narrator begging you to stop. After the fourth drop, you will die, and the ending will finish.

Blue Door Ending

Same criteria as the Red Door Ending except that you must enter the Blue door. This will lead to an empty area where the Narrator will put you through random surveys, eventually leading you to his game, where you have to press a red button to stop a baby from running into fire. To win the game, you have to do this for four hours. For the purpose of this run, you can just fail the game. Afterwards, the Narrator will bring you into a simulation of Minecraft, and then Portal. Eventually he will say he’s done playing and is leaving you. After that a big hole will appear. If you drop down you will be in a big dark narrow corridor. Eventually the ending will trigger by itself.

Baby Ending

For the first two hours, you just need to press the red button to save the baby. After the two hour mark, you need to now alternate between the red button, and a blue button to save a dog from suffocation. If you complete this, you will be taken to a scene where you are talking to the essence of art itself. This unlocks the ending.

Escape Pod Ending

See full list on

Go through the left door and up to the Boss’ office. When you enter into the office, move back as fast as you can so that the doors shut before you enter, trapping you out. When you turn around, you will see that all closed doors are opened. If you return to the beginning a pitch black door will be open. If you enter you will be taken to a dark area with stairs. If you go all the way up you will be led to a dark room where you will find an escape pod, and interacting with it unlocks the ending.

Broom Closet Ending

If you enter into the Broom Closet and stay in there for a while, the Narrator will monologe for a while, until he stops completely. If you restart the game and return, he will speak a bit more then stop again. If you reset and go back again the Broom Closet will be boarded up by wood.

Heaven Ending

There are computers hidden around the office that contain a screen displaying purple bars. If you click it, a purple bar will appear. You need to find all five computers to be teleported to Heaven, where you can push buttons for eternity.

Suicide Ending

When on the lift, simply fall off and all the way down to die and unlock the ending.

Wife Ending

If you head across the lift, you will reach an area where a phone is ringing. If you click it, you will be teleported to Stanley’s wife’s apartment. When you enter, the Narrator will start narrating about how you died. He will keep repeating things and the world will change around you back into Stanley’s office. Eventually the Narrator will tell you to die, and this unlocks the ending.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

Choice Ending

Same criteria as the Wife Ending, except that you have to unplug the phone. The Narrator will then show you a video about choice. Afterwards, he will direct you back to the beginning of the game and will tell you to head into the left door. Head into the right to find that the game is breaking. Now return and head to the left. Keep going until the game is destroyed. The game will then reset itself, back to when you choose the left or right door. Go to the left to find that you are in some kind of alternate universe. The game will reset again, and will unlock the ending.

Museum Ending

The criteria of this ending is the same as the Freedom Ending up until the elevator. Instead of going into the Mind Control Facility, head into the corridor marked “ESCAPE”. Continue forward even as the Narrator warns you. Eventually you will fall into a pit where Stanley is crushed to death. From here you will be directed into the Museum. From here you can explore to find many interesting sprites and other things. Enter the exit sign to find the ending.

Countdown Ending

Same criteria as the Freedom Ending up until the final choice. Instead of clicking the “OFF” button to destory the facility, click “ON” to start a detonation sequence. As the Narrator monologes, you are directed to figure out how to decode a huge puzzle in less than five minutes. It is impossible nevertheless, and eventually you will be blown up, unlocking the ending.

Stanley Parable Keypad Code

Dream Ending

Head through the left door first. Instead of heading to the boss’ office, head downstairs. From here, you’re going to be in a huge area with a few rooms. As you walk through, you’ll begin to realize that the rooms are repeating themselves. The Narrator will be talking about how you are having an identity crisis and how your mind is collapsing. Eventually the screen will go black and you will lose control of Stanley. This will begin the ending.

The Stanley Parable Free Pc

The Confusion Ending

The Stanley Parable - Easter Egg - 1947 - YouTube

Head through the right door and then go through the detour back to the left path. Instead of going all the way through, head into the hidden elevator. When you go down, you’ll find yourself above the Mind Control Facility. The Narrator will try to prevent spoilers by restarting the game. When you head back to the two door choice, you will find a dozen. After you look around for a while, the Narrator will restart the game again. When you head back, there will be no doors. The Narrator will lead you back to the beginning where you will find yourself in a wooden hut. The Narrator will then reset the game yet again. Now the Stanley Parable Adventure Line will appear. It will guide you into previously inaccessible areas and will go in a full five minute circle, eventually leading you back to above the Mind Control Facility again. The game will reset, and the Narrator will say that he wants he and you to make a new adventure. He opens a random door and you will have to follow him to eventually find two doors. The Narrator himself will make an equation and come to a conclusion of opening the door on the right. Inside you will find the Confusion Ending timer, along with the whole setup and schedule. After a while, the game will reset once again, which unlocks the ending.